Left Hand Guitar Warm-Up Exercise 1

There are several important benefits of warming up the left-hand fingers before practicing or playing the guitar:

  • Prevent hand injuries.
  • Develop finger-muscle strength.
  • Improve left-hand technique.

The following warm-up exercises are exercises that we, here at circleofriff.com, do before any guitar practice or playing. These exercises will get your left-hand fingers warmed-up and ready for action.

Exercise 1

Left Hand Guitar Warm-Up Exercise 1

NOTE: Start on the 1st fret and then slide down to the 2nd fret and repeat the pattern. Repeat the pattern up to the 5th fret.

Exercise 2

Left Hand Guitar Warm-Up Exercise 2

NOTE: Start on the 1st fret and then slide down to the 2nd fret and repeat the pattern. Repeat the pattern up to the 5th fret.

Exercise 3

Left Hand Guitar Warm-Up Exercise 3

NOTE: Start on the 1st fret and then slide down to the 2nd fret and repeat the pattern. Repeat the pattern up to the 5th fret.